Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0 |Keeping it Real

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

Hello, and welcome! Remember the crochet edged kitchen towel I shared here some time ago? At the time, I had bought fabric to make two kitchen towels, one blue and one pink. A couple of days ago I finally managed to finish the blue towel: 

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

Just like with the pink towel, I didn't exactly plan to write a crochet pattern for this border, but I'll try to describe the process below in case you want to replicate it yourself. 

Here are the original fabrics I found at the scraps bin at one of my favorite crafts stores in Lisbon (aptly named At Home Hobby): 

Crochet edge kitchen towel

This border is very basic. I used the yarn below (there are lots of colors available, but for this towel I went with a simple white), and a 2.5 mm crochet hook:



After adding the first row (single crochets over the hem, with three chains in between), I alternated three double crochets and three chains. 

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

Row 3 consisted again of double crochets and chains, this time alternating nine double crochets with three chains (see image above). 

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

Row 4 is the same as row 2.

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

After that I just added a final row of single crochets. 

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

In case you are trying to create a similar edging and have any questions or the explanation above isn't clear enough, feel free to leave a comment and I'll try to help you the best way I can. 

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

Crochet edge kitchen towel 2.0

And if you love this, be sure to also check: 

Have fun, and happy Tuesday!

Keeping it Real, craft blog

This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. Oh my, this so reminds me of my late mom, we used to do a lot of these and in fact I still have some in use from around 25-30 years agio.
    Thank you for sharing your links with us at #289 SSPS Linky. See you again next week.

  2. Congratulations Teresa, your post will be featured at SSPS 290 as member of the week on Monday. See you there.

    1. Thank you so much for the feature! Heading over to your party later today!
