The Really Crafty Link Party is on vacation! |Keeping it Real

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Really Crafty Link Party is on vacation!

It's Monday again, and I'm very glad you're visiting, but I will not be hosting the party this week.

This year our vacation will be a different from usual, but if there's anything the past few months have taught me is that we should embrace every moment we have to be together - so for the following three weeks, while I still have some posts scheduled, I will be focusing mostly on my family.  

The really crafty link party, keeping it real, craft blog

The Really Crafty Link Party will be back on September 7th and since there is to limit to how many links you can add, you will be able to share everything that you're working on during the next couple of weeks.

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Until then, enjoy your summer and thank you for stopping by!

Keeping it Real, craft blog


  1. Enjoy the quality time with your family! Blogging is hard work and sometimes you need to take a good long breath. :)

  2. Teresa, your right. I hope you enjoy your time with the family.
    Much love

  3. Have a fun vacation, Teresa! The blog will be here when you get back.
