Sleep Hacks for Parents + a Printable Gratitude Journal |Keeping it Real

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sleep Hacks for Parents + a Printable Gratitude Journal

With parents now taking on the role of teachers during quarantine, it can be hard to find the time to relax and catch up on your much-needed sleep. 

Sleep Hacks for Parents + a Printable Gratitude Journal

To help, Casper rounded up some of the best sleep hacks for parents, and I'm sharing them here today. 

From keeping a gratitude journal to cutting back on sugar, make sure to practice these sleep habits the next time you struggle to get a good night’s rest. 

1. Tire children out during the day 

Have you noticed your kids always get a burst of energy right before bedtime? To help prevent this, try tiring out your children during the day. You can do this by going on walks, bike rides, or enrolling your kids in sports activities. 

2. Cut back on sugar

If you and the kids have a habit of eating sugary snacks before bed, it could be disrupting your sleep. Sugar has a stimulating effect that can cause your metabolism to work in overdrive throughout the night, resulting in you waking up several times to go to the bathroom. Stick to healthy foods before bed instead, like popcorn or yogurt. 

3. Tag team night duty 

Have you and your partner take turns putting the kids to bed. Use the extra time off to relax and create a bedtime routine that will allow you to destress after a long day. 

4. Keep a gratitude journal 

Practicing gratitude has been proven to help you sleep longer and better. One great way to practice grateful thinking is by keeping a gratitude journal. Do this every night when your alone or even involve your kids. 

5. Get your kids excited for bed 

Make getting ready for bed a fun family activity to help mitigate any stressful situation. You can do this by reading a bedtime story together, listening to calming music while you brush teeth, or by practicing gratitude with the gratitude journal and printable stickers below. 

 Hopefully, the above sleep hacks for parents will have you dozing off in no time! 

Download the printable gratitude journal and stickers below and start incorporating it into your nightly routine.

Happy Wednesday,

Keeping it Real, craft blog

This post was written in partnership with Casper. Printables and images were supplied by them and as such are not owned by me, nor am I responsible for their content.