(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Winter Sky |Keeping it Real

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Winter Sky

Ok, so Winter officially starts only next Monday the 21st here on the Northern Hemisphere, but the sky has already changed for the season...

winter sky photos

winter sky photos

winter sky photos

winter sky photos

Happy Wednesday!

keeping it real, craft blog


  1. Beautiful sky unfortunately we don't get to see much in London LOL

    Have a skytastic week :-)

    1. Well, we're back to rain here as well, the good weather only lasted a couple of days. It was great while it lasted, though...Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Beautiful skies. We are well into summer on the other side of the world. Our season officially started 1 Dec.

    1. i envy you, I wish I could have summer all year long! Maybe I should fly south with the birds LOL. anyway, thank you for visiting Rhonda and have a wonderful weekend!
