

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Party favor bag - custom template

After posting the printable Mario Kart favor bag a few days ago (did you miss it? you can find it here), I realized that (1) maybe not everyone likes Mario Kart and (2) the template can be used for any other themed party as long and you change the colors and the pictures.

So today I'm uploading the original PowerPoint template so that everyone can customize its own favor bags.

Party favor bag - custom template

All you need to do is to open the file and fill the template with the colors and the images of your party. Print the bags on the thickest paper you can get through your printer (lightweight cardboard usually works, but if it doesn't, print on regular paper and then glue onto cardboard). Then cut along the dotted lines, fold along the solid lines and glue the flaps.
custom party favor bag - free printable - add the colors and images you want

I'm already thinking of a Disney princess party right after the summer holidays, how about you?


keeping it real, craft blog


  1. I'm always looking for DIY bags & boxes templates because there is an occasion waiting in the lurk that needs something special. Thanks for sharing!
