

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - landscapes and ruins

Initially I had planned to share something else today, but they I found in my camera some pictures I took while on a bike ride with my husband a while ago. 

wordless wednesday - landscapes and ruins

 wordless wednesday - landscapes and ruins

wordless wednesday - landscapes and ruins

I had totally forgotten about them but I clearly remember the day now. We were almost the only ones around and then, all of a sudden, on top of a hill, we came across some ruins and stopped there for a while. 

wordless wednesday - landscapes and ruins

wordless wednesday - landscapes and ruins

There were no signs, but later we googled the place and it used to be a village since well before the Roman occupation of the Iberian Peninsula, though these later buildings look pretty similar to other Roman ruins we have scattered all over the country. 
wordless wednesday - landscapes and ruins

Happy Wednesday,

keeping it real, craft blog


  1. Wonderful photos interesting too :-)

    Have a scarytastic weekend :-)

  2. So vast... these photos give a sense of the vastness of the world around us.
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. You found a beautiful treasure on that bike ride.Thank you for sharing the photos.

  4. How interesting! I think it's neat to see something like that without all the commercial tourism, although a sign might have been helpful. :) Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More.

    1. True. The downside is that there is no one there to explain what you are seeing...

  5. Beautiful shots! Thanks for linking up!
